Workshops & Services
Introduction to Shamanism
Prerequisite for Way of the Warrior
Explore how and why ancient shamanic practices apply to the 21st century. Covers the history of shamanism, journeying, Celtic spirituality, cosmology and wisdom wheel basics.
September 14, 2024. This class is full and will be available again in Spring 2025.
Prerequisite: None, but a 14-16″ drum is preferred.
Way of the Warrior
5-Month Exploration of the Medicine Wheel
Journey around the wheel to glimpse into the elusive world of spirit. This course blends shamanism, and energy work to help you renew a sense of wonder, gain wisdom, increase intuition, and restore balance. This comprehensive program meets in-person for 5 Saturday sessions, 1 per month over the course of 5 months. An online version may be available in later in 2025.
In 2024: Oct 12, Nov 9, Dec 7. In 2025: Feb 8 and Mar 8.
The program will be available in Summer 2025.
Prerequisite: Intro to Shamanism.
Path of Empowerment
Advanced Shamanism Program
Continue your journey gaining confidence and shamanic healing abilities as you become a more adept shamanic practitioner. Dive deeper into more subtle aspects of the wisdom wheel, and delve more into the nature of trauma, shadow work, soul loss/retrieval, extraction of negative energies. Includes a closing shamanic ceremony and non-psychoactive elixirs to enhance your journeys.
Date TBD in 2025.
Prerequisite: Way of the Warrior
Mini Workshops
TBD in 2025.
Negative Energies
Back by popular demand. An intriguing subject than many people want clarity around. Learn how to detect and clear negativity from your space and from your being.
Ancestral Patterns
We have a lineage with aspects that seem to follow us into this life. Learn how to identify inherited family patterns and how to clear their karmic bondage.
Magical Practices
An overview of magical traditions, esoteric concepts, how to choose the right practices, and how to apply them to modern life.
Nordic Studies
Take this overview of Nordic traditions to learn about their spiritual practices and how they view the soul.
If you’re over 50, then this event is for you! We gather as like-minded women who have experienced a lot throughout life. This is a time to share, reflect, and redefine ourselves during the third act of our lives. Join me and guest speakers for an evening of fun, food, and empowerment as we delve into issues specifically designed for mature women, with a special ceremony honoring part of the divine feminine—the Crone.