Journey around the Wisdom Wheel

Shamanism aligns us to all aspects of Mother Nature; land, animal, plant, elements, and the associated spirits. Celtic mythology tells us about the magical invisible realm that resides behind the physical world. The wisdom teachings of Celtic spirituality provides us with a unique perspective on interacting with nature, and maps the mystical territory called the Otherworld, or what the Welsh called Annwn.

Join me in using shamanic techniques to explore the Otherworld, and meet the mythical figures of ancient Celtic lore to release old energetic imprints, discover our true nature, and achieve a more harmonious life. With the wisdom wheel as our guide, we’ll journey to the Otherworld, and call upon ancient wisdom teachings, helping spirits, power animals, and spirit allies to help us navigate this realm. Learn practices and techniques that aide in transcending trauma and conditioning, and put you track to experience a more authentic existence. Real Awakenings’ signature program, Way of the Warrior, provides a bridge from which to apply core shamanic practices to the modern problems and traumas we’re all faced with. Let the magical mystical world of shamanism and Celtic spirituality help you reconnect to nature, recreate your inner world, dream a new dream, and manifest a new reality.

Navigate the Celtic wisdom wheel while learning ancient lore, and shamanic methods.

Sacred Ceremonies Cleveland, Ohio

Enjoy an evening for mature women over 50. Includes relevant issues, and a special ceremony!

Sacred Ceremonies Cleveland, Ohio

Join us for scheduled ceremonies celebrating the cycles of nature.
