Way of the Warrior

Starting 2024 on Oct 12, Nov 9, Dec 7, and Feb 8 & Mar 8 2025

The program will be available again in Summer 2025.

5-Month Program: Celtic Spirituality, the Wisdom Wheel & Core Shamanism

Registration is closed until April 2025.
Contact Us for an application today, or for alternative payment methods!

Prerequisite: Intro to Shamanism and a drum is required. (16 in. Remo recommended.)
Exchange: $950

Class Structure & Format

Cycle Begins Again Summer, 2025

The program is a series of Saturday modules, 1 full day per month for 6 months, designed to be the perfect blend of lecture, and hands-on experience, making it ideally suited for an in-person experience of intimate groups of 4-6. The course is comprised of content-rich lectures, shamanic journeys, exercises, ceremonies and rituals. There will be optional non-psychoactive plant spirit allies incorporated to deepen your journeys. (A Zoom option is under consideration for 2025, but will not include a closing ceremony or the use of plant spirit allies.) The content is dense, so get ready to take lots of notes! The entire program including the Intro constitutes @48 hrs of class time.

About the Program

Way of the Warrior (WOW) is the result of over 1,400 hours of development to offer a pathway to wonder, wisdom and self-sufficiency. The fundamental principles of shamanism provide the structure from which to commune with spirit world, and deepen your understanding of yourself and your past, so you can forge a new internal relationship, and to the world around you. The warrior archetype has been employed for thousands of years, across many cultures in reference to spiritual advancement and personal transformation. Stories and movies tell us that warriors require strength, courage, determination and fortitude. Why? Because it takes an incredible amount of tenacity, and psychic energy to push past barriers, and forge ahead to achieve substantial growth. Adept spiritual warriors fight for peace, both for themselves, and for humanity, yet have to deal with opposing forces and challenges every step of the way. Past traumas that we carry in our bodies, our psyche, and our energy field, create road blocks that impede our progress, and reduce traction. Trauma of all  types stifles us from experiencing the heart connections, and expanded awareness required to be an authentic contributor in life. So, it takes a warrior to embark upon the internal path of self-exploration, and muster the courage to walk the razor’s edge—taking two steps forward, and one step back, traversing through friends and foe, before victoriously residing in an empowered, grounded heart-space. One needs to temper the conflation of the skill, strength and stamina of a warrior, alongside the softer, feminine, heart-based approach to maintain stability and achieve wisdom. Way of the Warrior is the archetypal hero’s quest.

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Register Now

Way of the Warrior pay in full – $950 + $25 fee = $975

Way of the Warrior deposit – $100 + $5 fee = $105

Way of the Warrior balance due – $850 + $20 fee = $870

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