Welcoming a Fresh Start

Clarity arising from crisis

The Spring Equinox officially arrives this evening at 11:49 pm, the earliest spring in 124 years! Symbolizing balance, the Equinox is one of two times a year where the days and nights are equal in length. In the midst of a pandemic, the relevancy of balance takes me to the medicine wheel. The circle itself is a stabilizing force that contains four primary energies.

Inside the wheel, you see how Body and Mind sit side by side, comprising half the circle. This is where fear shows itself with a racing mind, and physical symptoms. The opposing half is Spirit and Heart, where we experience equanimity, creativity, and freedom. Hopefully, those who tend towards the nervous half of the wheel, can find relief by gaining perspective. This shift settles the Mind, and centers the Body.

During this down time and imposed isolation, people seem lost without their normal routines. We’re experiencing time differently too. We have a choice to either complain about the inconveniences and disruption, or use the opportunity to look at things we’ve neglected, and re-evaluate life with a fresh set of eyes. Togetherness, problem solving, curiosity, and wonder can’t occur if everyone’s operating in survival mode only. Adapting to the demands of the pandemic requires all of us to bolster our immune systems, maintain stability, and be cooperative and mindful of others, rather than hoarding food, and stockpiling guns.

The financial consequences of the crisis could be enormous. To mitigate devastation, I envision a sort of suspended animation, where the entire economy temporarily stops, with the exception of food and medicine, and resumes activity after the storm passes. I mean the entire market. Not only would this reduce the 50% rate of infection, it’s the only way the economy can survive. It’s certain that people, and business will be adversely affected by the pandemic, but hopefully the least amount possible. We may witness unforeseen circumstances, but some novel solutions as well.

I can’t help but look at things energetically, and wonder why the virus decided to hop species into humans NOW. Not four years ago, not five years in the future, but now. The 20th century saw five pandemics, and COVID-19 is already the fifth in this century. For decades, there’s been an air of escalating tension, and angst brewing throughout the world, with many systems ready to bust. The viral outbreak almost feels like a giant wake-up call from Mother Earth telling us to stop, slow down, and take stock of reality.

The virus, and its aftermath, won’t be short-lived. We’re only in the beginning stages, and forced to examine the flaws in our systems, lifestyles, and relationships. Coping with clarity of mind, allows wisdom to reset our priorities, and create a new perspective. Collectively, we can steer others away from panic, and eventually step into creativity and wonder, where new opportunities emerge. A healthy dose of concern, yes, but panic serves nobody well. If we simultaneously maintain a sense of vision, we can shape a positive outcome.

New things are always incubating in slumber, while others are being destroyed. The energies of Shiva and Shakti are at play, where creativity and ingenuity assemble order out of chaos. Adversity always creates opportunity. Earth has quickly demonstrated its amazing healing powers where fish have appeared in normally polluted waters, and birds are singing in once contaminated air. In the midst of the crisis, our country is showing signs of the togetherness that’s required to make tough decisions.

For centuries, shamans and spiritual leaders have performed ceremonies around the Equinox to celebrate the rebirth, and renewal of spring. This is a time for people to release what no longer serves them, and invigorate their intentions. Spring purging and cleaning is also in order! Today, Al and I will be performing a special Despacho ritual to welcome spring, and ask Spirit for the global assistance needed by humanity. We will have all of you in our prayers, and wish health and safety to everyone.

Bonnie & Allen

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Burned on March 21 due to rain. The fire elementals took all our wishes and ate the bundle up quickly!