Finding Your Center

Many people are experiencing Corona information overload from the non-stop, 24/7 media coverage.  As if you weren’t managing enough before it all started. People are now adjusting to concerns about all the risks, all the do’s and don’ts, all the financial concerns, a whole new lifestyle, and brand new working conditions, etc. Plus we all wonder how and when this is going to work itself out. How do you manage this degree of change, and concern? Some cope with humor or by cleaning (which are great by the way), and others are tending to things they’ve neglected simply because they’re at home more. But, then there are folks who have legitimate pressing concerns about the future; potential loss of a job, loss of business, loss of a loved one, or worrying about getting sick themselves. The high degree of uncertainty can be the tipping point.

One way to try and deal with this turmoil, or any other stressful event, is to find your center. Why? Because, when you’re stressed, your logic goes out the window, your immune system is compromised, your mind races, your reactions increase, and you’re operating by the fight or flight mechanism. But, when you’re centered, you’re in alignment, and when you’re in alignment you get answers, and when you have answers, your fight or flight patterns are disengaged. Basically, you’re more calm and rational. Being centered is how you rely on your inner wisdom, instead of external input. You’re more connected to your prefrontal cortex, and less connected to the reactive primitive brain specifically designed for survival. Being centered is how shamans operating from a heart space. Being centered also allows for creativity, instead of the perpetual motion of fear and angst.

You can find your center through spiritual and shamanic practices. First, turn off the TV, and unplug from social media for a bit to reduce external stimulation. Try some deep breathing like Pranayama, or a meditation technique. De-stress and shift out of the status quo with yoga, or go out in nature for a walk. Finding your center also comes through shamanic journeying. This is a perfect time to meet up with your power animal or spirit guides. Lastly, you can try doing what people used to do 30 years ago, get cup of tea, curl up and read a book! Detoxing and cleansing your energy field with a hot salt bath is also good for clearing. No matter how you do it, finding your center when you feel stressed or overwhelmed is always the first place to start.

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